On March 24, 2023 representatives of the consortium partners gathered for a transnational project meeting in Perugia, Italy. The event was hosted by Psiquadro Societa Cooperativa. Paritipants monitored the project progress in their countries. UniverCity coordiantors from Sofia Univesity shared materials and information on reporting and indicators, as well as on the plans for the final team meeting and multiplier conference in Bulgaria. Presentations in peson and through multimedia on behalf of Community research promoters gave an excellent insight into the problems of various communities in the partner countries as well as into the egagement of academia to seach for and find solutuions. Some of the best practices that inspired discussion were focused on the creation of supportive environment and socialization of museums for citizens with disabilities (Italy), the use of scientifci methods for environmental moniotring (Romania, Italy), the delivery of specialized srevices for the community of internarional students (Bulgaria).