Project Partners

Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"

Founded in 1888, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski (Sofia Uni) is the oldest higher education institution in Bulgaria. It is one of the most renowned centres of science in the Balkan region. While following its academic mission Sofia University makes a significant contribution to the efforts of the national government to take part in the global policies to encourage and promote science and education. Through its scientific expertise, the University plays an active role in preparing and conducting informed policies of national, regional and international significance.

In the recent decade Sofia University is the highest ranking Bulgarian HEI and qualifies for the top 300 universities in the World University Rankings of the Times Higher Education (THE) (2017). It is the leading Bulgarian research centre in the Humanities and Science. Sofia University is the leading national institution in terms of the number of participants in the students’ and lecturers’ mobility contributing to the implementation of the idea of European space in the domain of university education.

There are currently more than 18 000 students enrolled in the university's 16 faculties, covering a wide range studies: natural sciences, humanities and social sciences. About 1500 permanent teaching staff is engaged in training and research activities. Sofia University is currently implementing a number of scientific and educational projects (both as a promoter and partner), spread across its faculties.

Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu



Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (LBUS)is a medium-size, comprehensive university located in Sibiu. It is one of the oldest Romanian universities, recently celebrating its 50 years of existence. The educational offer of LBUS is diverse and the study programs are compatible with those of the EU and the requests of the labor force market, and consequently, its openness toward novelty is not only appreciated, but also demanded by all applicants. The key objective of the university is to carry out a competitive educational process, meeting the standards of the EU, which grants LBUS graduates international academic and professional recognition.

Every year, LBUS opens its gates to approximately 15,000 students. They are coordinated by more than 600 teaching staff, in 9 faculties (Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Agricultural Studies, Food Industry & Environmental Protection, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Letters and Arts, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities (Educational Sciences, Psychology, Sociology, History). LBUS organizes doctoral studies in 15 main fields of study: History, Philology, Theatre and Performing Arts, Theology, Law, Mechanical Engineering, Material Science and Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Computer Science, Engineering and Management, Management, Finances, Economics, Medicine. LBUS has established academic links and partnership agreements with more than eighty-five universities in thirty-five European and non-European countries.

Being located in a well- developed industrial and cultural region (central Romania), LBUS has excellent relations with industry, public organizations and NGOs. It is well known in the local community for organising periodical events to promote entrepreneurial education (eg. HEI Innovate Program, Innovation Labs, , Meet the Entrepreneur Series) and for promoting applied science (eg. ULBS Smart Program for students’ innovative ideas, Researchers’ Night, FameLab – science communication competition, Girls on the Move Week to promote women in Science, Technology and Engineering sector). These events are supported by private and public sector. LBUS, with its experiences and competencies, is continuously investing efforts to increase university – economic and social enterprises cooperation and to broaden university – community cooperation.

PSIQUADRO Societa Cooperativa



PSIQUADRO is a nonprofit enterprise established in 2002 by scientists qualified in science communication at international level. Psiquadro aims at developing public engagement actions focused on science and research, through events, outreach activities and creative science communication formats addressed to different target groups ranging from students to citizens, policy makers and other social actors. With its projects Psiquadro contributes to make cities, science museums, science centers and research communities engaging cultural environments fostering an effective dialogue between the researchers and the citizens at large. Since 2003 Psiquadro has been organizing cultural events among which the most recent one started in 2012: the Einstein Island (, a science performances event that was attended by over 12.000 visitors in a week-end during the last editions.

The company manages both the scientific contents and practical aspects of the cultural events. Science events trigger a process of engagement for students and teachers that continues all year round through interactive workshops realized in schools or in informal settings. Through its experience Psiquadro developed a national network of schools and teachers with whom it developed activities based on hands-on and enquiry based approach to STEM.

With its longstanding experience in organizing public engagement actions, Psiquadro was involved in a diverse set of European projects for science communication, both as coordinator and as partner. The project topics range from life sciences to nanotechnologies and the communication approaches used are diverse: from science festivals to science parliaments, from focus groups to stakeholder forums.

Partner: Research & Training Point Foundation



Research & Training Point (RTP) is a non-governmentаl, not-for-profit foundation, working under the Bulgarian law as an NGO for public benefit. The organization conducts independent research and training activities designed to foster and assist good governance policies in the public sector. To achieve its goals, RTP develops (social) science-based expertise. The foundation also provides capacity building at institutional level through the organization of specialized professional training for public bodies.

RTP works closely with institutions from a wide range of sectors (public administration, law enforcement, judiciary, etc.), in an effort to aid the process of public policy development and implementation through academic research and critical analysis. The organization relies on a vast network of experts from universities and NGOs alike.


Associate Partner: British Council - Bulgaria



The British Council builds connections, understanding and trust between people in the UK and other countries through arts and culture, education and the English language.

They help young people to gain the skills, confidence and connections they are looking for to realise their potential and to participate in strong and inclusive communities. They support them to learn English, to get a high-quality education and to gain internationally recognised qualifications. Their work in arts and culture stimulates creative expression and exchange and nurtures creative enterprise.

They have been working in Bulgaria since 1939. Every year they connect with thousands of students, educators, policymakers, academics, creatives and entrepreneurs in Bulgaria.

Learn more about their work in Bulgaria.